The members of the multi actor platform exchange with a special correspondent of the PROLINNOVA INTERNATIONAL network at the Hotel du Lac.

The members of the multi actor platform exchange with a special correspondent of the PROLINNOVA INTERNATIONAL network at the Hotel du Lac.

The Action Center for Food Security and Sustainable Development (CASAD) launched a multi-stakeholder platform for the promotion of farmers’ innovations in ecological agriculture and natural resource management in January 2016 in Glazoué, a town in central Benin. In this context, CASAD has taken the necessary steps with Prolinnova International to integrate the platform into this […]

The members of the multi actor platform exchange with a special correspondent of the PROLINNOVA INTERNATIONAL network at the Hotel du Lac. Read More »

CASAD celebrated 23 June 2016 the night of agroecology in Glazoué.

Agriculture, which occupies nearly two thirds of the national territory, has a major economic, societal and environmental responsibility. Because the night is conducive to debate, everywhere in Benin, “The night of agro-ecology” is an opportunity for farmers to explain the meaning of their commitment and for citizens to come to meet those who are doing

CASAD celebrated 23 June 2016 the night of agroecology in Glazoué. Read More »

CASAD celebrated 23 June 2016 the night of agroecology in Glazoué.

Launch of a multi-stakeholder platform for the promotion of peasant innovations in ecological agriculture and natural resources management

As part of the launch of activities of the project to promote experimentation and peasant innovation in the Gulf of Guinea, the Action Center for Food Security and Sustainable Development (CASAD) conducted on January 23, 2016 in Glazoué at launch of a multi-actor platform for the promotion of peasant innovations in ecological agriculture and natural

Launch of a multi-stakeholder platform for the promotion of peasant innovations in ecological agriculture and natural resources management Read More »



Climate change has reduced the livelihoods of rural communities. What prevents them from taking care of the school fees of their child despite the various support measures implemented by the Central government in the education sector. Moreover, public institutions in remote areas of the country often do not have the teaching aids to ensure a

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TIC dans l’agriculture

ICT for agriculture

One of the opportunities that sub-saharan countries benefit is the explosion and proliferation of mobile phone technologies and wireless infrastructure associated with the breakthrough continues of the Internet. Benin is no exception to this reality. It has at least five (05) GSM networks that provide services to the populations. The mobile phones have today become

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Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire

Agriculture et sécurité alimentaire

L’agriculture est le socle de l’économie béninoise.  Elle est l’un des secteurs sur qui comptent bon nombre d’acteurs (Etats, ONG, PTF) pour lutter contre l’insécurité alimentaire et la pauvreté des ménages. Le Plan Stratégique de Relance du Secteur Agricole du Bénin a mis l’accent sur la professionnalisation des exploitations agricoles par l’augmentation de la production

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Environnement et Changements climatiques

Environnement et Changements climatiques

Les changements climatiques constituent aujourd’hui une menace potentiellement majeure pour l’environnement et le développement durable. C’est l’un des défis auxquels le Bénin fait face actuellement pour assurer la sécurité alimentaire des populations. Le programme Environnement et Changements climatiques vient accompagner les communautés vulnérables à s’adapter aux changements climatiques et à atténuer les effets néfastes des

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TIC dans l’agriculture

TIC dans l’agriculture

L’une des opportunités que les pays subsahariens bénéficient est  l’explosion et la prolifération des technologies de téléphonie mobile et des infrastructures sans fil associées avec la percée continue d’Internet. Le Bénin n’échappe pas à cette réalité. Il dispose au moins cinq (05) réseaux GSM qui offrent des services sont accessibles aux populations. Les téléphones portables

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